It's OK to take a break from something you love

I have to preface this post with a confession: 2019 has been a bit of a roller coaster for me. Why, so? Well, it was definitely the most challenging year I had in a loooong time when it comes to managing my anxiety.

Although this has been a somewhat difficult year for me, I like to look for the brightside in everything. The brightside of coming close to burnout? Learning that it’s ok to take a break from the things you love.

Wait a second, I hear you saying, how come take a break from the things we love? Aren’t hobbies supposed to make us happy?

I feel you, this might be a bit of a crazy notion for a lot of you, but bear with me. I think having hobbies and different creative outlets outside of your day job is great.

Yet, as I came to realise, sometimes we put so much of our energy and time into what we love that our hobbies turn into an additional source of stress. That was what happened to me earlier this year.


sometimes we put so much of our energy and time into what we love that our hobbies turn into an additional source of stress.


When something you love starts draining you out…😧

Anyone who knows me knows that I’ve loved ballet since I was a little girl. I never intended to make a career of it, but I’m still quite passionate about it.

However, as you may imagine, classical dance is incredibly demanding. So, even if you’re only committing to a few classes per week, (like I do) it’s something that – at long term – can become tiresome.

The problem for me began, when I came to class and realised I wasn’t really there. It was hard for me to concentrate and I would come back home crying of frustration. I felt tired, unhappy and unsure of what to do.

I’d wonder what was wrong with me. After all, I was supposed to be happy. I loved ballet and dancing had always been a sort of therapy for me.

How had it become something that made me feel so miserable?

Eventually, I understood that the best thing to do was to take a break. I was putting a ridiculous amount of pressure into something that wasn’t making me happy anymore.

If you feel like you are in a similar situation, don’t fright! I share bellow three reasons why you should consider taking a break from something you love.

Three reasons why you should be taking a break

To remember that your mental health is your number one priority 😵

We’re often so absorbed in our passions, that we forget that they can be debilitating to our mental health.

Besides, even though, mental health is becoming less of a taboo, it can still be easily overlooked.

Remember that your physical health is important, but your mental health is just as important. After all, you will not be productive if you feel tired and unhappy most of the time, right?

So, if you feel like your work, or a hobby is draining you out, it’s time to take a break!

To Relax and Recharge 💤

A hiatus is also the perfect opportunity to rest. This may sound silly, but sometimes we forget that that’s what breaks are for.

I took a break from my dance classes, because I was feeling more stressed than ever.

How did I use that free time you ask? Well, I did absolutely nothing.

My prescription for you is the same: do nothing for a while.

Stop checking your e-mails, go for a walk, or collapse on the couch and watch a movie. Don’t feel guilty for taking time out. Allowing your mind (and body) to rest is crucial, so you can come back feeling reenergised and start afresh.

To revaluate why you do what you do 💭

Taking a break is also a great opportunity to revaluate why you do what you do and ponder if it still makes sense.

You may find yourself having an epiphany: your job/hobby doesn’t excite you anymore.

Or, you might realise that you’re still passionate about say, baking and you want to become a pastry chef.

Whatever it is, enjoy this free time to consider if this thing that you love still adds value to your life.

As for me, I’m happy to announce that I came back to my ballet classes after a few days resting and I’m feeling more pumped about it than ever!

Have you ever felt a hobby was draining you out? Tell me in the comments bellow!

Hello there! I'm Andreia and I'm a freelance writer and blogger. I share my passion for books, travel and other topics online. If you'd like to work with me feel free to reach me through my contact page.
Andreia Esteves

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